Beverly Hills Family Room Glamour and Practicality

The family room had good bones—a 10-foot coffered ceiling (which Mr. Saghian said gives the space a “more upscale look”), french doors that opened onto a covered patio and a natural stone fireplace—so no major renovations were required.

But the interior designer, who founded his eponymous Los Angeles-based firm five years ago and has said he’s inspired by “the opulence and glamour of Old Hollywood,” was challenged with balancing the client’s stylistic desires with more practical considerations in the room where they spend most of their time.

Beverly Hills Family
Beverly Hills Family

“They have a dog and three kids who are high school and college age. They have friends over all the time, they eat here and do homework here.”

For high-use pieces, like the large sectional, Mr. Saghian chose performance fabrics that can withstand a plethora of stains and be easily cleaned. “It is now much easier to create a beautiful, high-style room that is also durable,” he noted of the result, adding, “I do think, in the end, that it’s very glamorous.”

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